Mixed Signals from GM

The Buick, Cadillac, GMC and Chevy brands have earned GM a place in the American legacy automaker landscape. Staples like Corvette, Suburban, and Escalade have cemented this heritage. Have these durable staples run their course or will they adapt to a changing landscape of woke engineering?

Clearly, Suburban is an unwieldy road brick which I personally have narrowly avoided on the roadway. It’s not exactly a friend of efficiency at a maximum 20 mpg. It may fool you in the parking lot too.

You may have noticed lots of false reverse lighting in parking lots over the past several years. That’s because certain GM vehicles have an ingress/egress lighting option utilizing the white reverse lights. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE TURN THIS OFF IN SETTINGS!! 

I recently waited like an idiot who forgot about my hatred for this bright idea in a local parking lot. It seemed to stay illuminated long after the passengers exited. Seriously, put a light literally anywhere else!

The good news is that EVs are being developed like Canoo, which have a skateboard platform that amount to “super vans”. That term was used by Sandy Munro in his recent visit to their shop.

I’m still upset Chevy extinguished Spark. The EV version was a quick, efficient and economical little car. Perhaps this went against Chevy’s values.

According to Munro, the executives at the big automakers get promotions by turning down radical new ideas. As much as I want karma to catch up to them, there are emerging EV makers on the edge of bankruptcy:( Sono’s solar van is facing financial struggle as are production makers like Rivian and Lucid. let’s not forget about Elon’s 40-Billion-Dollar gamble on messaging tech.

2023 is sure to be an interesting year! The United States’ commitment to renewable energy sources will happen as we roll off the edge of the ICE vehicle plateau and raised interest rates. Hang on, I’m getting a bit out of my depth. My wish for 2023 is a Venus Project pilot city… 

Speaking of Jacques Fresco, I recently watched an installment of Zeitgeist called “Moving Forward.” I will warn you that this deconstructionist movie may give you a sense of paranoia. That said, it does make me think about every element of society and how they contribute to the health of the whole. My blog is a tiny contribution read by a handful of people. Still, I hope to make some kind of impact on the third rock from the sun. 🙂

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